Saturday, November 26, 2016

In the Asylum

I am made of the stuff of stars
Carbons, nitrogens, hydrogens, oxygens of the sun
Are assembled, broken down, re-assembled.
Neurotransmitters in my head.
All thoughts are born of a connection craved
Between the galactic divide of neurons exist
the pre and post synaptic howling of molecules
So when your thoughts knocks on my window pane
And I hear birds singing your nectarine name
When the rustling wind caresses the oak
And rose petals, loving dew drops cloak
Dopamine levels peak within my brain
Maybe some endorphins and oxytocin too
Make me feel your gaze and shed tears of joy
Of abandon; I fly your sky
Till your gaze finds me in my place
Grateful, ecstatic, paralyzed wanting more
But then tyrosine depleted or antipsychotics steal
the home, away, where pleasures park
And I am asked in the dark
"Is your love real?", "will you love me forever?"
And I reply, it is as real as the sun
But there is a matter not under my control
The extent of my love, is your concern
By my measures the rivers flood the banks
And tides break free of the moon
When you appear, mountains swoon
My Beloved!
My love you made as real as you. 

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