Sunday, April 12, 2009

Modern age barbarism continues

A Saudi judge, upholds the Fiqqah in an excellent way when he rules the marriage of an 8 year old to a 47 year old man as just. The rationality behind the decision of course would justify such an action. The mother who appealed the case is not the legal guardian after the separation with her husband. In the esteemed judge's view providing this child with a fatherly figure who promised not to consummate the marriage till puberty, is a better alternative than to send her home with her mother. I am sure the mother's character is under question. After all she has gone against the cultural norms of the Saudi kingdom and is speaking to Kafirs of the west.
Who are we to judge? It is the judge's wisdom which takes its share from the infinite wisdom of God, that has determined this decision. Us mere mortals should remain out of this trancendental decision making processes.
I am sure the western press is highlighting this story to undermine Islam. This is a propognada against the values of Islam. Is it not true that Hazrat Ayesha was also married at an early age. Who cares if it was some centuries back. Islam is the religion for all times to come and that pesky little business of re organizing/updating the jurisprudence is SO annoying. Why should an infidel, have the right to make a decision about Islam. Infidels are to be killed when they identify themselves with any other sect of Islam which is not my own.

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