Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The increase pack principle

"Indeed, man has been created with a restless disposition........"- Quran, 70:19-27

Imagine an animal, which in order to preserve itself continues to eat. That threat to its preservation is perpetual. The only life that the animal has known off is the one under threat. For some reason if the threat is removed, the animal loses its senses. The purpose of life which was to stay alive and to escape the threat is no longer valid. The animal knows one thing only. To eat is to survive even if that means justifying its behaviors by creating a threat which is not there.

This is a sure sign of an increase-pack dynamic. And like the animal that gorges itself, and increased pack dies in its own weight.

Modern capitalism is one such example which functions on an increase pack principle. There are multiple fears that the system creates to justify its behaviors in increasing itself. Poverty, illness and chaos are the things which are feared. Everything is done so as not to come across those three things. Hence the tolerance off experiencing those three states is non existent.

Given the above state of affairs, a citizen of modern capitalism does not make a very good patient in the hospital or a good loser on the football field or an investor who has gone broke. Everything was meant to be according to a formula, how could it fail? Kubler Ross stages of dealing with loss or death are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The increase pack does not like losing and certainly does not like dying and hence spends a lot of time vacillating in the first four stages without ever coming to a state of acceptance. It is inconceivable to the animal that it could die even though it followed the exact prescribed diet for staying alive. Similar kind of cognitive dissonances exist in the so-called spiritually imbued world of religion. There are specific prayer formulas to keep out the evil eye or achieving multiple nefarious objectives.

Such patterns speak about classifying the vibrancy of life in mathematical formulae. This is the arrogance of the human mind which seeks to go govern everything by subjugating it to the base language of reasoning that it understands.

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